Durable tracking tutorial

In this tutorial, we will explain how to place the tracking code in a Landing Page created with Durable.

What is Durable?

Durable (opens new window) is an AI website builder that can generate a website in under a minute, including copy, images, and a contact form. It offers editing tools and the ability to add multiple pages and a custom domain.

The builder also provides AI-generated copy for marketing and social media, images, and icons, and even generates names for a new business. Users can customize their website further using the website editor, adding their own photos or icons, and adjusting the colors and fonts.

The platform also provides an AI CRM that helps businesses respond to leads, organize contacts, and generate client communications.

If your marketing campaign is using a Durable page, then CPV Lab Pro (opens new window) and CPV One (opens new window) can track it easily.

Step 1: Creating your site on Durable

  • Durable comes with a free plan, so setting up your account is easy.

  • After creating your account, Durable offers multiple templates for any industry.

  • Select an industry that is suitable for you:

  • Click on the drop-down menu and select “Create business”

Durable Create Business

  • Then, enter the necessary information and click “Create business”

Durable Create Business2

  • After clicking “Create business”, Durable will start generating your website

  • Once the generation of the website is done, you can start editing your page as you wish by clicking “Edit”

Durable Edit Website

Durable Edit Website2

Step 2: Add a landing page in CPV Lab | CPV One

  • Go to your CPV Lab or CPV One tracker and login

  • Navigate to LPs&Offers -> LP’s Management

  • Add your Durable Landing page: Website-> copy your landing page link

Durable Website Link

Durable LPs Management

Step 3: Create a Campaign in CPV Lab or CPV One

Durable Landing Pages

  • Complete the other fields

  • Save the campaign

Now, we want to edit our Durable page to make sure all the buttons that will redirect to offers are tracked. For that, we need to use the “base2” page. These are the steps:

  • Login to your Durable account

  • As mentioned in Step 1, select your site and click “Edit”

  • We will edit the page and make sure all buttons are tracked before redirecting to the offer

  • We will add a tracking link that will redirect to the Offer Page for all the buttons on our site which redirects to an Offer Page

    • On the “edit” menu, go to “Buttons”

    • Then, click on the “pen”

Durable Edit Buttons

  • Link type will be “External”

Durable button settings

  • Now, we will insert our base2 link from the CPV Lab campaign. This can be found on the Links and Pixels section of your campaign page.

Note: This tracking link is designed to monitor the click and direct the user to the relevant offer.

Durable Links and pixels

  • Click “Done”

Step 5: Add tracking code to your landing page

  • After editing each button action, we need to insert our tracking Code from CPV Lab to the Landing Page. This code is responsible for initial tracking of visitors on your website.
    • Go to your CPV Lab campaign - Links & Pixels section
    • Copy the code specified in the section “Add Code to Landing Pages”

Durable LPs Code

  • After copying the Code, navigate back to your Durable account and go to Website -> Settings
    • Scroll down until “Custom Code”
    • Now, we need to add our Code from CPV Lab in the “Footer Code”
    • Then, click “Save”

Durable Footer Code

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Last Updated: 3/29/2024, 10:52:53 PM