Direct Link & Landing Page Campaigns Setup

To setup a Direct Link & Landing Page Campaign you need to follow the steps below:

Add Direct Link And Landing Page campaign

Step 1. Setup the General Settings

Add Direct Link And Landing Page campaign General Settings

  • provide the name for your campaign
  • The tracking domain (it can be your current tracker domain or any other custom tracking domain)
  • Hide "Inactive/Unused" - will hide from your campaign setup page the Landing Pages or the Offers that you mark as Inactive.

Step 2. Setup your Tracking Settings

Add Direct Link And Landing Page campaign Tracking Settings

  • Select the Data Options you want to capture in your campaign: Computer Data, Geo Data, ISP/Carriers, Mobile Data, Referrers, Browser Language Header, Computer resolution, User Agent.

  • Select the Redirect type:

    • Direct Redirect – sends referrer
    • Double Meta Refresh – hides referrer
    • Redirect Loop – hides referrer
  • Choose the Campaign Type (what do you wish to do?):

    • Direct Link - Send Visitors Directly to the Offer/s
    • Landing Pages - Send Visitors to Landing Page/s and then to Offer/s on the Click Through
    • Split - Rotate traffic through each of the above, and set the % of the Traffic that will be redirected to the Landing Pages and the remainder will direct link to the offers.
  • GDPR tracking settings

    • if you run your campaign in European Union, then you probably don't want to capture IP address so you can follow the GDPR regualtions
    • Same applies for CCPA regulations

Step 3. Select your Traffic Source

Add Direct Link And Landing Page campaign Traffic Source

  • Select your Traffic Source and the tokens for that Traffic Source will be available to be selected.
  • Choose the tokens you need to be tracked in your campaign


If the traffic source is not in the list, go to Sources -> Traffic sources and import that traffic source from the catalog

Step 4. Enter your Landing Pages

  • Enter a Name and URL for each Landing Page
  • Each page has a unique ID. You can change the unique numeric ID for each landing page in the Campaign if you want to. We recommend to keep it default.
  • Set the Share% for each LP. Total Share% must add up to 100%
  • You can add more Landing Pages by clicking the "Add Landing Page" Button

Add Landing Page



  • For each Landing Page URL you can pick the tokens to be added by selecting them from the Easy Tokens Menu
  • Make sure you first add the parameter name to the URL followed by the "=" sign

Step 5. Enter your Offers / Options

  • Select a predefined offer (or you can manually add one)
  • Make sure the Offer URL has the {!subid!} parameter at the end
    • each Affiliate network has it's own parameters. Get the right one for your selected offer source!
    • Affiliate network specific subid parameter
  • Make sure you Enter the Conversion Payout
  • Set the shares for each Option group. Each Option group must add up to 100%

Add Offer



  • For each Offer URL you can pick the tokens to be added by selecting them from the Easy Tokens Menu
  • Make sure you first add the parameter name to the URL followed by the "=" sign
  • You can also predefine offers on the Offer Management and select them in multiple campaigns (recommended!)

Step 6. Click “Save Campaign”

  • Click the Save Campaign Button

Save Campaign

  • In the "Links & Pixels" section of the campaign you can find the predefined links to be used in your pages:
  • If you are using Landing Pages:
  • Code your links to the offer/s on your landing pages using the Step 1 link code.
  • Enter the Step 2 Code directly above the closing body tag </body> on each of your landing pages.

Links And Pixels

  • In the "Tracking Pixel" section of your campaign you will find all the kind of pixels you can use to track your campaign:

  • There are 3 default samples of tracking pixel + postback URL:

    • Image Pixel
    • Iframe Pixel (required when calling multiple 3rd party pixels)
    • Script Pixel
    • Postback URL Pixel (Server2Server Pixel)

Tracking Pixels

Step 8. Set the Redirect Profiles for your campaign (Optional)

Redirect Profile Campaign

  • You can set up Redirect Profiles on the Campaign Setup page or on the Redirect Profile page. The setup is the same in both locations.

Simple campaign flow diagram:

Simple campaign flow diagram

Find more details in the video below:

Video Tutorial for setting up your first CPV Lab Pro campaign (opens new window)

Additional information

If you want to understand more about how a Direct Link and Landing Page campaign can help your business, check this article to understand more indepth benefits for your marketing.

Direct Link and Landing Page advantages (opens new window)

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CPV One marketing tracker is live! (opens new window)

Last Updated: 10/11/2023, 10:35:00 AM