Mondiad integration in CPV Lab Pro
Who is Mondiad?
Mondiad (opens new window) is a Global AdNetwork providing Push & Native ads!
It comes with:
10+ years of industry experience
Worldwide traffic | 3.5B daily impressions | 4.5M daily clicks
custom bid for zone IDs
traffic fraud detection
fast approvals & 24/7 support;
If you don't have a Mondiad account yet, then you need to register here (opens new window)!
For CPV Lab Pro users, they have a special offer: Sign up now using the promo code CPVLAB15 and get a 15% bonus on your first Mondiad deposit of a minimum of $100 (max bonus value 100 USD).
-offer valid for new users only.
Step 1: Setup Mondiad in CPV Lab
- CPV Lab Pro comes with the Mondiad Traffic Source pre-configured in the Traffic Sources Catalog pages, so in this case all you have to do is import it from the Catalog.
- The detailed configuration for the Mondiad Traffic Source is the following:
Once you import the traffic source from the catalog, it will show up when you create your campaign on the Campaign setup page.
To be able to keep your tracker and your Traffic Source reports in sync, you need to send data back to your traffic source. For that you have to have the Postback URL field setup correctly.
So, update the PostbackURL field with your Unique information from your Mondiad account (check images below for more details).
- first go to your Mondiad account and click on the "Conversion Tracking" menu
- Then Select "CPV Lab Pro" and copy the Postback URL
- Go back in CPV Lab -> Sources -> Traffic Sources and update the Postback URL for Mondiad traffic source so it will contain your unique identifier (in the image below is an example).
- Save the Traffic Source
Once you have the Traffic Source setup you can start creating your campaign
Step 2: Create a Campaign in CPV Lab Pro
- In your CPV Lab Pro campaign setup page select Mondiad as the Traffic Source and choose the Predefined Extra Tokens that you want to capture.
- Complete the other fields
- Save the campaign
- Optional: check the Traffic Source Postback URL - check the step 5 below for details
Step 3: Create the campaign in Mondiad
- Login to your Mondiad account
- Create a new campaign by clicking the "Campaigns" menu and then the "Create Campaign" button (
- Complete the Campaign Name
- On the "Landing URL" field copy the Campaign URL from your campaign in CPV Lab Pro (step 2 above) and paste it as a Landing URL in Mondiad.
- Finish the campaign by filling all the other fields and click "Send to moderation".
Step 4: Start the campaign in Mondiad
In Mondiad platform, by default, after it is created, the campaign is sent to moderation. Wait until you get the ok to start the campaign
Start your campaign and follow the results in CPV Lab Pro!
Step 5 (optional): Setup the Postback URL
- In order to track conversions back into the Mondiad platform, you need to CHECK the Traffic Source Postback URL in your tracker.
- The Postback URL should contain the CPV Lab Pro macro
(for Unique Click ID). - The Traffic Source Postback URL will be automatically filled for the selected Traffic Source in the Campaign setup page, but you need to select/check it in order to have it used (check image below).
- It is located in the "Tracking Pixel" section from your campaign page.
- Make sure it has your Mondiad ID (check step 1 above for details)!
- The Postback URL should contain the CPV Lab Pro macro
- The postback URL is in the following format:{!tscode!}&payout={!revenue!}