Drill Down Stats
Navigation: Stats ➡️ Drill Down Stats
A. Page fields and details
Drill down Stats is a report that is showign the information about each campaign in an easy to read format, on 4 levels.
1. Campaign
- Select a Campaign for which you want to View Stats.
2. Date Range
- Enter a Date Range or Select a Preset Interval to filter your data.
- it can be today, last week, last month or any interval you want
3. Drill Down levels
- there are 4 drowdowns from which you can pick how you want your data to be grouped (4 levels)
- once a value is picked from the first dropdown, that column will no longer be available in the next dropdowns
For example:
- first level -
- second level -
landing page
- third level -
- fourth level -
For this example you will get:
- level 1 - information grouped by keyword
- level 2: the information for that keyword is split by landing page
- level3: the data for each landing page is split by offer
- level 4: for each offer you can see the data split by country
- level3: the data for each landing page is split by offer
- level 2: the information for that keyword is split by landing page
4. Refresh
- This button allows you to refresh the report data after you change your columns selection for the drill down.
5. Columns selected
- from this dropdown you can pick the rest of the columns that you want to be displayed in the report (apart from the ones selected for drilldown)
6. Report
- The Drilldown report will show first the data collapsed.
- Once you click the
for each row the row will expand
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