Campaign Setup

General settings

Below you’ll find explanations for each of the General Campaign Settings, used when creating or editing Campaigns.
This page looks intimidating, but it’s really not. Many of the settings are optional or use the default options.

General Settings

General Settings part 2

1. Upload Campaign

  • Use the Campaign Upload CSV files to enter the details of your campaign offline and then simply upload the CSV file to create or edit a campaign

2. Open Stats

  • If editing an Existing Campaign, Jump to the Campaigns Stats for the Selected Campaign.

3. Campaign ID

4. Campaign Status

  • Set Campaign Status to Active or Inactive

5. Info

  • Click to see a quick explanation and outline of the selected campaign type
  • An info icon is also available for many of the other fields so you can get more information on those fields

Campaign Info

6. Campaign Name

  • Enter a Name for the Campaign

7. Assign to Group

8. Traffic Source

  • Select the Traffic Source for the Campaign. Click the “+” icon to see full traffic source setup details as entered on the Traffic Sources page

9. Data Options

Select the Data Capture Options to Apply to the Campaign. Only select the options that you need to see in reports, if there is anything that is not needed, then leave it unchecked.

The most commonly used Data Options are GEO Data, Mobile Data, Computer Data and User Agent.

  • GEO Data – Capture geographical data from visitors: Continent, Country, State and City
  • Mobile Data - Capture information related to mobile devices used: device type, brand, model, commercial name, browser name & version, operating system name & version etc.
  • Computer Data - Capture information from computer/desktop visitors: browser name & version, operating system name & version etc.
  • ISP/Carriers - Capture ISP (Internet Service Provider) and/or Mobile Carrier from visitors (such as Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.)
  • User Agent - Capture visitor User Agent. Useful when using an API integration with the Traffic Source (Facebook, TikTok, etc.)
  • Screen Resolution - Capture Screen Resolution for visitors; useful when optimizing landing pages for several screen sizes
  • Referrers - Capture Referrer Domain and Referrer Page from visitors, shows where your visitors come from
  • Browser Language Header - preferred language passed by visitors' browsers; useful when creating localized landing pages and content

10. Engage Rate

  • This feature gives you an idea of how long visitors are staying on your landing pages. Enter a setting here, in seconds or 0 if you don't wish to use this feature.
  • This will then show you in the Performance Reports the overall percentage of your pops that went over your set Engagement Rate time

11. Campaign Priority

  • When using the direct traffic code, you may have campaigns using the same landing page or campaigns where visitors may go through multiple landing pages with direct traffic codes from different campaigns. Using this setting, you can decide which of those campaigns should have priority of the visitor.
  • Each campaign setup page has a textbox where you can enter the campaign priority, a positive numeric value, where 1 is the highest priority.
  • For Example:
    • you have 2 Campaigns: “Campaign1” and “Campaign2”
    • “Campaign1” has the Priority set to 1 and “Campaign2” has the Priority set to 2.
    • Here is the Visitor Path or Flow:
    • “Campaign1” URL ➡️ LP 1 ➡️ LP2 (direct traffic code for “Campaign2”) ➡️ Offer
    • So in this example
      • you have Visitors going through the campaign url for “Campaign1” and then clicking through to Landing Page 1
      • then to Landing Page 2 which is also used in “Campaign2” and has the direct traffic code for “Campaign2”.
      • In this case campaign 1 takes priority and the visitor continues through the path as defined in Campaign1
      • With the Priority setting in CPV Lab Pro (opens new window), a check is made on the fly to determine which Campaign has the highest priority and which way the visitor should go.
    • If any 2+ campaigns have the same priority set, the tracking cookie from one campaign won't be overwritten by another campaign. If a campaign has a priority of 0, the tracking cookie is always overwritten by the direct traffic code.

12. Bid | Cost

  • On the Campaign Setup Pages, simply select the type of bidding for each campaign: CPV or CPC.
    Then enter your appropriate estimated bid. This is the Cost Per Click or Cost Per View that is used for the Stats section of CPV Lab Pro. Here you just enter an average CPC/CPV for your campaign.
  • When CPC is selected the Target Performance Stats, Trends and other relevant stats are changed specifically for CPC bidding instead of CPV (Cost Per View).
    • Also, within the Campaign Setup Pages, when CPC is selected an Ad Token section will open. The Ad Token information is entered from Traffic Sources page for each Traffic Source.

13. Failure Page

  • This page/url will be called in the event something happens to a visitor where CPV Lab Pro (opens new window) cannot redirect the visitors to the next page.
  • If the tracking cookie gets deleted from the browser and the visitor clicks on a base2.php or base3.php link, CPV Lab Pro won’t know what campaign that visitor is associated with (since the cookie doesn’t exist anymore) and won’t know what Failure Page to redirect them to.
    • You can use the parameter (‘clfpc’) and add it to base2.php and base3.php calls in order to tell CPV Lab Pro (opens new window) what campaign ID the visitor was associated with, so the correct Failure Page is displayed when necessary.
    • So if you have defined a Failure Page for your campaign and want to cover possible visitors who remove cookies, then you will use base links like below to redirect between LPs and to the offer pages:
        • where ‘xxx’ will be replaced with the actual Campaign ID

14. Append SubID to LP/Offer

  • deprecated setting which was removed in version 8.0
  • in order to pass the SubID (unique code for each visitor) to one of your campaign pages (landing page or offer page), you need to add the {!subid!} placeholder in the URL and it will get automatically replaced by CPV Lab Pro during the redirect for each visitor.

15. Tracking Domain

  • It allows you to create Campaign URLs and Tracking Links (Base Links) within a Campaign using a specific domain instead of using your CPV Lab Pro installation domain
  • You have a list of tracking Domains from which you can pick one
  • For more information on how to setup a Custom Tracking Domain please check Custom Tracking Domains

16. Capture IP Adresses

  • It allows you to choose if you want to capture visitors IP addresses based on your needs and GDPR regulations
  • It has 3 options:
    • All - The IP Address will be captured for all the visitors accessing the campaign
    • Non-EU - The IP Address will be captured just for the visitors coming from Non-EU regions
    • None - No IP address will be saved

17. Redirect Type

  • There are 3 redirect types available in CPV Lab Pro, 2 of them that hide the referrer, but are slower than the redirect that sends referrers:
    • Direct Redirect – sends referrer
    • Double Meta Refresh – hides referrer
    • Redirect Loop – hides referrer

18. Campaign Type

This field is available in Direct Link and Landing Page Campaigns Only

Campaign Type

  • Direct Link - Send Visitors Directly to the Offer/s
  • Landing Pages - Send Visitors to Landing Page/s and then to Offer/s on the Click Through
  • Split - Rotate traffic through each of the above, and set the % of the Traffic that will be redirected to the Landing Pages and the remainder will direct link to the offers.

19. Hide Inactive & Unused

Hide Inactive and Unused

  • Turn this Option to ON to Hide any Unused or Inactive Offers and Landing Pages from View within the Campaign Setup Page.
    Just makes things a bit cleaner and easier on the eyes.

20. Profiles and Pass-Through Options - Obsolete - removed in Version 8


Alert & Optimization Profiles

Pass-Through Options (OPTIONAL)

Pass-Through Options

  • Pass Target to Offer

    • The target keyword gets passed in the offer URL.
      • It can be used if the Offer Source requires you to pass the target/keyword
      • Or it can be used when going private and you need transparency between your own promotions and a client or lead buyer
  • Pass Target to Landing Page

    • This is used when you want to pass the target/keyword to your landing page
    • So you could say “Special Offer for TARGET users!” or if Bidding on Keywords, “Looking for TARGET?”
    • Checking the box, will update your Landing Page url automatically by appending the target/keyword using the specified parameter

Parameter TARGET

  • This parameter can be read from the URL with any programming language. A sample for the PHP code to add to your landing page to make it work can be found ïn the Campaign Setup page, in the section "Links & Pixels:

PHP Code Sample

  • Pass Tracking Cookie to Offer (FOR ADVANCED USERS)

    • Use this option only if your Affiliate Network doesn't support neither Tracking Pixels, neither Postback URL. This is very rare nowadays.

    • Check to pass the tracking cookie in the offer URL. Useful when you want to control when a conversion is registered. This cookie can be passed to the ‘adclick.php’ page and will register a conversion for the current target.

    • This allows you to mark conversions by making a request to your CPV Lab Pro tracking pixel with the cookie code as a parameter instead of inserting the tracking cookie code. This applies when there is no actual conversion page and the conversion is considered when someone installs an application or uses a desktop application expanding the tracking possibilities of CPV Lab Pro

    • Example:

      • The offer URL entered in CPV Lab is
      • The actual page traffic will be sent to will include the subID and the tracking cookie if the option is enabled:

      • You can grab the cookie passed in the URL using PHP, JavaScript or any other language and make a request to the tracking pixel with the cookie parameter attached in order to mark this conversion.
        The request should be made to:

    • This feature is for Advanced Users and applies to campaigns that don’t have an actual offer page to track conversions. The tracking cookie can be used for tracking subscribers, ebooks, file downloads and everything basically, it depends on the setup you create.
    • For tracking a file download or a PDF opening, we cannot include the tracking cookie in the files, since those are not HTML files. But you can place the tracking cookie in the page prior to downloading the file or you can make a request to the tracking pixel with the cookie appended in the request URL

21. Macros & Tokens

  • You can select Tokens that you have already setup for the Traffic Source or Add new Tokens here. Each token requires the following details to be entered:
    • Name – the name that will appear in the header of the token column in the Stats.
    • Parameter – the parameter that is passed in the campaign URL and will be captured by the base.php page.
    • Placeholder - the macro/token format
    • URL Append – Is automatically filled with parameter=placeholder
    • LP/Offer checkboxes
      • LP - controls if the token should be sent as a parameter in the Landing Page URL
      • Offer - controls if the token should be sent as a parameter in the Offer URL
  • If the selected Traffic Source has Keyword, Cost, External ID or Ad tokens defined, then they will be automatically captured.


  • if you have the token {banner} which you want to capture, then you will set it up like this:
    • Name: Banner
    • Parameter: bn
    • Placeholder: {banner}
    • URL Append - will be added automatically

Campaign Setup Tokens



Not all traffic sources provide dynamic tokens to Ads or Creatives as in the examples above.
In those cases, you’ll simply add your own Unique Ad Identifier within your Campaign URL when placing it at the traffic source.

For Example:

  1. Bing uses {AdId} as the token to capture the Ad ID from within your AdCenter Account. So Your Campaign URL may look like:{keyword}&ad={AdId}

  1. Other Traffic Sources however, you may need to pre-fill a Unique Ad ID when placing your Campaign URL for each ad if they don’t offer the ability to pass this data as in the example.
  • Pre-Fill Example (a Campaign with 3 Ads Setup):
    • You could enter each Ad Destination URL as:

      • Ad 1:{keyword}&ad=1
      • Ad 2:{keyword}&ad=2
      • Ad 3:{keyword}&ad=3
    • In the example above we used simple #’s (1, 2, 3) to separate the ads, but here you can pre-fill any data you wish to use for separating the Ads from one another. It’s NOT recommend to use blank spaces however such as: &ad=ad one.

    • Instead of blank spaces use separating characters to avoid any breakage or mishandling of URLs. So instead of “&ad=ad one” this would become “&ad=ad_one” or “&ad=ad-one

22. Easy Tokens Menu (NEW)

Campaign Tokens Menu

  • The Easy Tokens Menu shows up for each URL field on the Landing Pages and Offers sections

23. Campaign Notes (NEW)

Campaign Notes

  • Save some special notes about this campaign (like what are the latest updates, what you want to update in the future, etc)
  • The information saved in notes will help you track better the changes done to each campaign

Additional Settings in Landing Page Sequence and Lead Capture Campaigns Only

Landing Page and Lead Capture

  • Lead Capture in Sequence - If you have a Lead Capture or Optin Form within the Campaign, Set this to Yes.
  • Thank You Page Tracking - If you send visitors to a Landing Page after Optin, select Landing Page. Or if you send visitors to an Offer after Optin, select Offer.

Always “Save Campaign” After Any Changes

  • After making changes or editing your campaigns, always click the “Save Campaign” Button to make sure the changes are updated.
  • If You want to exist the Campaign Setup page, just click on "Save and Exit" button
  • If you don't want to save your changes, click "Cancel"

Save Campaign

  • This section contains Links samples, Tracking Pixels code samples and 3rd party pixels for the campaign

  • Available information:

    • Campaign Link - it can be used to test the campaign in browser
    • Step1: Edit Landing Pages Offer Links - it shows the link to Offer to be used in your Landing Page
    • Step 2: Add Code to Landing Pages - The code to be added to your Landing Page (before the </body> tag

    Campaign Links

    • Tracking Pixel: Add Pixel to Offer Source - 4 types of samples for Tracking Pixels to be added to your Offer Source
      • Image Pixel
      • Iframe Pixel (required when calling multiple 3rd party pixels)
      • Script Pixel
      • Postback URL Pixel (Server2Server Pixel)

    Tracking Pixels

    • If the selected Traffic Source has a Postback URL setup, you will see that URL in the "Links & Pixels" section Notes:
    • If you want to use the Traffic Source Postback URL, check the checkbox in front of it
    • Also, make sure that all the specific parameters (like your Traffic Source Unique ID) are replaced in the Postback URL

    Traffic Source Postback URL

  • For Advanced Users

    • you can also use a 3rd party Pixel (usually a Traffic Source pixel) and add it to your campaign
      • Enter additional pixel / postback URLs to include in the tracking pixel (one per field)
      • If you want to fire the pixel for specific offers, enter the offer IDs separated by comma Advanced 3rd party pixels
    • If you want to pass the keyword or the target to the page
      • you need to have a .php page
      • add the sample code to the Page in Location to display the target

Advanced 3rd party pixels

  • Simple campaign flow diagram:

Simple campaign flow diagram

Find more details in the video below:

Video Tutorial for setting up your first CPV Lab Pro campaign (opens new window)

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Last Updated: 10/11/2023, 10:35:00 AM